Core Infrastructure

Optimize Your Home's Technology Systems for Connectivity and Efficiency

Main Equipment Closet (MEC)
Branch Equipment Closet (BEC)

The Main Equipment Closet (MEC) and Branch Equipment Closet (BEC) are integral components of a home’s technology infrastructure. The MEC is the central hub where the primary networking and control equipment are housed, including routers, switches, and video/audio sources. It serves as the core point for managing and distributing all your automation. The BEC, on the other hand, is a smaller distribution point located in different parts of the home, facilitating the connection of devices and systems to the central MEC or local endpoints. These decentralized equipment racks ensure efficient signal distribution and easy access to connections and controls in various areas of the home.

Benefits or Uses for MEC / BEC:

  • Centralized Control: The MEC allows for centralized management of all home technology systems, simplifying maintenance and troubleshooting.

  • Scalability: The MEC supports future upgrades and expansions, making it easier to integrate new technology without overhauling the entire system.

  • Enhanced Accessibility: The BEC provides easy access to networking and control connections in different home areas, reducing the need for long cable runs back to the MEC. 

Critical Load, Clean Energy and Energy Independence

Our Energy Management Solutions deliver robust, clean, and uninterrupted power for your home, freeing you from the uncertainties of traditional power grids. Our system combines every component required for an independent microgrid into a unified, integrated solution, making it the most straightforward and scalable option for reliable energy management.

RoseWater provides a consistent, self-sustaining power source by efficiently generating and distributing energy. This reduces reliance on fluctuating utility rates, ensuring a stable, eco-friendly energy environment that protects your critical systems from disruptions.


  • Extended Equipment Longevity: The clean, constant energy flow reduces stress on electronic components, preventing damage from surges and fluctuations. This results in longer-lasting devices and systems, saving you money on repairs and replacements.

  • Reliable Power Protection: RoseWater ensures uninterrupted power during brownouts and blackouts, keeping essential systems like security, lighting, and HVAC fully operational. This reliability is crucial for maintaining safety, security, and functionality in both residential and commercial environments.

  • Peace of Mind with Consistent Energy: Knowing that your critical systems are consistently powered and protected from electrical disturbances offers significant peace of mind. Additionally, by achieving energy independence, you can focus on other priorities, confident that your environment is secure from power-related issues and not subject to the instability of traditional power grids.

Networking and WiFi

High-speed wireless and hardwired internet access are a necessity in any modern home, there has never been a more important time to invest in a powerful and reliable network. In our early history, we were also Internet Service Providers and, as a result, have a very deep and solid understanding of custom home networks. We build each system from the ground-up, ensuring that every component is optimized for efficient and reliable performance. We live in a connected world, almost everything in your home is connected to the internet, having enterprise grade network security is no longer a luxury, it is a necessity. IT security is an ongoing process that requires full-time attention, we set alerts and monitor our clients’ systems to make sure they are always on the leading edge of security.


  • Cloud managed networks allow for remote support.

  • Ongoing firmware and security updates to mitigate the latest threats and ensure your network is always current.

  • Enterprise level solutions include remote service for software issues, stopping them before you even know they’re happening.


Smart Climate Control

Monitor and manage temperature and humidity from your home’s in-wall panels, digital remotes, and even your mobile phone. Smart thermostats can be hidden from view to further reduce wall clutter. Dispersed and discreet sensors track the environment in every room for a balanced and efficient HVAC system. Keep your pool the perfect temperature all year round with total control. Integrated controls for your home environment are as functional as they are liberating.


  • Control your home’s temperature from anywhere, while on the go or even on vacation.

  • Easy to use and monitor, simply tap and go.

  • Discreet panels reduce wall clutter.


IoT Sensors (Moisture, Temp)

IoT (Internet of Things) is a group of devices that are integrated into a home to increase capability and system parameters. Devices that detect moisture, carbon, and temperature levels intelligently monitor indoor environments, creating smart, comfortable, and more sustainable homes. These sensors are designed to detect and measure specific parameters which provide valuable data that can be used to optimize various processes and systems. These devices send automated alerts to us and the owner so we can assess and fix the situation before it becomes a bigger problem.

These sensors help minimize disruptions, reduce maintenance and damage costs, as well as improve overall living experience by monitoring power consumption and environmental conditions with ease. The net of IOT devices in a home is connected to an online dashboard that generates visualizations to monitor environments, understand trends, and detect anomalies. With a smart mobile app, users can access real-time data and troubleshoot issues instantly from anywhere. Centralized cloud management ensures automatic software and firmware updates, maintaining the latest features and security enhancements.

Benefits of IoT Sensors for Moisture and Temperature:

  • Intelligent Monitoring: Tracks power consumption and environmental conditions to minimize disruptions and reduce costs. Up to five years of battery life and five days of on-board storage.
  • Comprehensive Visualizations: Overlays sensor status on maps and floor plans for quick identification of issues.
  • Proactive Issue Resolution: Monitors for anomalies and trends to address potential issues before they escalate. Examples include detecting water leaks, power anomalies, and high CO2 levels.
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Voice Control

Voice control in smart homes is often marketed as the future, but we approach it with a careful eye. While it’s great for tasks like finding content—where saying “Watch CNN” eliminates the need to remember channels or streaming platforms—its usefulness often stops there. The integrated voice features on remotes, like those from Comcast or Apple, are a prime example of how voice control can be practical and efficient without unnecessary complexity.

Voice assistants often create more frustration than convenience for more intricate commands, such as controlling lights, blinds, or locking doors. They can misinterpret commands, require cumbersome wake words, and interrupt conversations unintentionally. In many cases, pressing a button is faster and more reliable.

We also see potential in systems like, but the fast-evolving smart home landscape makes it difficult to commit to such options fully. Instead, we focus on delivering tested, stable technologies that integrate seamlessly into your home.

In short, while voice control has its place—mainly for content discovery—simpler, more reliable solutions are often the best choice for most home automation tasks.

Benefits of voice control:

  • Hands-Free Convenience: Voice control enables users to perform tasks without needing to physically interact with devices. This is particularly useful when multitasking, cooking, or when hands are otherwise occupied, providing a seamless and efficient user experience. 
  •  Accessibility and Inclusivity: For individuals with mobility issues, visual impairments, or other disabilities, voice control offers an accessible way to interact with technology. It allows them to control their environment, access information, and communicate more easily, promoting independence and inclusivity.

Upgrade your home with Boca Tech and Automation’s core infrastructure solutions, ensuring a connected, efficient, and secure living environment. Contact us today to learn more!